Starting 2025 on the Right Foot, Literally
If you follow me on BlueSky, you already get the joke. For those of you who don't, I broke my right foot a week before Christmas. I am in limbo regarding just how badly and how to repair it, pending an MRI and ortho consult.
Thus I am starting 2025 with all attention and focus on the right foot, even if I can't actually stand on it at the moment.
How I broke it falls into the boring category of "walking mishaps" that, unfortunately, explains how I tore up this same foot over seven years ago. Indeed, "walking mishaps" can explain a good many bumps, bruises, and even breaks in my life. (I have broken both of my big toes, and one was definitely due to a fall just from minding my own business walking down a hallway at work. The other toe might have broken due to dropping a jar of peanut butter on it as I was moving to put it away; we didn't realize I had broken that toe until other parts of my foot were hurting when I shredded my ankle and someone took an Xray.)
Just to really hammer this point home, the photo for this post was taken exactly 7 years ago. It was to commemorate my graduation from these aids to just a cane as I recovered from surgery. When we did a deep clean of the house last year, my husband tried to convince me that it was time to part with these items. I remember actually thinking about it but then deciding on just more condensed, harder to reach storage. I know me. I knew the chances of me never needing these things again was slim. I am not exactly shocked that, nine months later, we were waking them from their slumber.
Managing this new oopsie is rough for the State of the House. Even if it's just the known fifth metatarsal fracture, I'll be wearing a boot and using crutches or a cane for at least the rest of January. This makes preparing my studio for mold remediation something of a challenge. I am really only able to direct traffic. We had a preview of this as we worked to get the house put back to rights after the first round of remediation. We managed, but it definitely had less than pleasant moments. (Now is a good time to mention that I frequently get the words "right" and "left" mixed up when conveying directions.)
So I'm turning my lemon of an ankle into lemonade for everyone. I'm kicking off a sale. Let's all step into 2025 with some extra swagger, some extra accessories. Starting first thing on Saturday, January 4, and continuing on through the rest of the month, all items in my Flash Sale are $5 off. If you buy an original artwork of mine at full price, you get a Flash Sale item for 50% off. If you subscribe to my newsletter, you can score an additional 25% off your entire Flash Sale order.