Travel Tuesdays: Frequenting the Grand Canyon
Part of the reason I chose Shopify as a platform for my website was that it included a blog feature, and I want to get into the habit of making good use of it! One way that I've decided to get me posting is to offer a travelogue, ideally every Tuesday. These are not meant to me expansive stories about a place but instead vignettes, little anecdotes about a scene or a particular visit there, or a moment in a trip that I want to share.
I'm starting with the South Rim of the Grand Canyon because I visit there frequently, typically at least once a year. It's 5-6 hours away, depending on Phoenix traffic, and it's particularly lovely in the winter. Crowds aren't as big then, and the northern part of the state tends to get some actual winter weather, which can be fun to experience briefly before fleeing back to warmer climes.
We've experienced the Canyon during heavy snowfall, with low clouds filling it up, during unseasonable heatwaves, with a spot of dramatic rain, on clear sunny days, and overcast drizzly days. No matter the weather, the Canyon is always dramatic and intense, with colors that pop and catch the eye even with the sun doesn't feel like illuminating them fully.
I didn't get to go on our most recent planned trip, sending the rest of the family on without me due to a cold that hit me hard. Even with Ye Olde Medical Boot, I was intending to make the trip. I have actually been to the Canyon with foot injuries before (I have mentioned my accident-prone nature before). It's a very easy park to experience with limited mobility. So much of the park is set right against the Canyon, allowing breathtaking views from the comfort of your car.
Perhaps I'll plan a solo trip at some point this year, once I can drive again, and make up for missing out this season. At any rate, I expect that the Grand Canyon will be a frequent star in the Travel Tuesdays series.